The script is written in VBScript and is quite simple.
- read the project file passed in the command line, e.g., Setup.vdproj
- backup the original file, just in case something goes wrong ;-)
- find the version number
- increment the version number
- replace the version number with the new value
- replace the product code with a new GUID
- replace the package code with a new GUID
- write the updated project file back to disk
'' Set version number of an MSI setup project from assembly
'' and update relevant GUIDs
'' Chirag Patel /03/03/2013
set args = wscript.arguments
if args.count < 2 then wscript.quit 1
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set regex = new regexp
regex.global = true
'read current version from Version.txt file...
set versionFile = fso.OpenTextFile(args(1))
strVerTxtFile = versionFile.ReadAll
'find version text from file
regex.pattern = "(\d+(\.\d+)+)"
set Matches = regex.Execute(strVerTxtFile)
'split version info text using '.' and create new one with major.minor.svnrev
versionArray = Split(Matches(0).submatches(0), ".")
myNewVer = versionArray(0) & "." & versionArray(1) & "." & versionArray(3)
'Wscript.Echo myNewVer
'read all text from .vdproj of Setup Project
Set vdProjFile = fso.OpenTextFile(args(0))
textOfSetupProj = vdProjFile.ReadAll
'find and replace version number in .vdproj file
regex.pattern = "(""ProductVersion"" = ""8:)(\d+(\.\d+)+)"""
textOfSetupProj = regex.replace(textOfSetupProj, "$1" & myNewVer & """")
'replace ProductCode
regex.pattern = "(""ProductCode"" = ""8:)(\{.+\})"""
guid = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid
guid = left(guid, len(guid) - 2)
textOfSetupProj = regex.replace(textOfSetupProj, "$1" & guid & """")
'replace PackageCode
regex.pattern = "(""PackageCode"" = ""8:)(\{.+\})"""
guid = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid
guid = left(guid, len(guid) - 2)
textOfSetupProj = regex.replace(textOfSetupProj, "$1" & guid & """")
'write back to .vbproj file with all the changes that we made above
set vdProjFileNew = fso.CreateTextfile(args(0), true)
Save IncrementSetupVersion.vbs
For auto increment setup project version use scripts IncrementSetupVersion.vbs add them to pre-build events.
first argument is setup project file, second is file with assembly version
"$(ProjectDir)..\SetupScript\IncrementSetupVersion.vbs" "$(ProjectDir)Setup.vdproj" "$(ProjectDir)..\version.txt"
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